
Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters is a unique reference work that recognizes that the history of Christian theology is fundamentally the history of the church’s interpretation of the Bible. In this volume, contributors from both historical and biblical studies meet and create a reference book that will be valuable for all students and teachers of theology, church history and...

Martyrs of Scilli (modern Algeria): “Books and Letters of Paul” were in the hands of the accused in July 180, when they stood in front of the proconsul Saturninus before their condemnation to capital punishment. Christian proselytes coming from Greek-speaking churches, some of them with Jewish backgrounds, sooner or later rendered their message in Latin. Early translations of Scripture from the second and early third century can still be identified by a careful scrutiny of biblical quotations in
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